To Do List and Checklists
After each Isuue, the following is to be done:
- Orkut - Minaz
- Facebook - Nadeem and Javed
- Twitter - Minaz
- - Yaqub and farida
- Yahoo Groups - Yaqub
- Libraries - Mehraj
- Checklist for PDF - Nadeem and Javed
- Online Free Press Releases - Nadeem and Javed
- Update the Sitemap - Nadeem
PDF Booklet
- front cover: month, year, volume, number
- update editorial board page
- Index: article titles, authors, page numbers
- Page header: month, year, volume, number
- Page Footer: number
Each PDF
- Type - research, review, misc..
- Title
- Authors
- Citation : bjmp style, doi
- Page Header - month, year, volume, number
- Page Footer - copyright
Online Free Press Releases - Nadeem and Javed
- =bjmp/a1b2c3
- =bjmp/a1b2c3
- =bjmp1/a1b2c3
Full issue PDF booklet
- Create Word and PDF file of the front page
- Create Word and PDF document of editorial board details
- Create Word and PDF of the index page with dummy page numbers
- Create the full issue PDF by combining all pdfs with Adobe professional software. Rearrange the front, editorial board, index and article pages in the right order.
- Insert page numbers to the PDF document with Adobe professional software.
- Update the word and then the PDF document of the index page with the correct page numbers.
- Insert the new index PDF at the right place with Adobe pro software and delete the previous index page
- Save document and upload with filezilla
Displaying the PDF of the full booklet on the homepage
- Upload the full PDF to
- Get embed link
- Get full link
- Create PDF holding page by pasting embed code (needs full HTML or PHP code enabled) and pasting the full link at the right place
- Tick publish document
Create current issue page
- Open the page in an incognito window and copy the contents
- Create content – article with no comments
- Select ‘ issue index’ in contents
- Select ‘ no’ in upcoming article
- Select ‘ miscellaneous’ in subject
- Body – change input format the full html – paste and edit the contents of the copied page and save
Remove upcoming article tag
- Go to
- Under action to take: select 'replace terms within same vocabulary '
- Under vocabularies select 'no' under upcoming articles dropdown list
- Select individual articles by clicking on the selection boxes or select all by clicking the box above the list of articles
- Click 'modify node taxonomy terms'
- Confirm that the modified articles have disappeared from the 'upcoming articles' menu