To Do List and Checklists

After each Isuue, the following is to be done:

  • Orkut - Minaz
  • Facebook - Nadeem and Javed
  • Twitter - Minaz
  • - Yaqub and farida
  • Yahoo Groups - Yaqub
  • Libraries - Mehraj
  • Checklist for PDF - Nadeem and Javed
  • Online Free Press Releases - Nadeem and Javed
  • Update the Sitemap - Nadeem

PDF Booklet

  1. front cover: month, year, volume, number
  2. update editorial board page
  3. Index: article titles, authors, page numbers
  4. Page header: month, year, volume, number
  5. Page Footer: number

Each PDF

  1. Type - research, review, misc..
  2. Title
  3. Authors
  4. Citation : bjmp style, doi
  5. Page Header - month, year, volume, number
  6. Page Footer - copyright

Online Free Press Releases - Nadeem and Javed

  1. =bjmp/a1b2c3
  2. =bjmp/a1b2c3
  3. =bjmp1/a1b2c3



Full issue PDF booklet

  1. Create Word and PDF file of the front page
  2. Create Word and PDF document of editorial board details
  3. Create Word and PDF of the index page with dummy page numbers
  4. Create the full issue PDF by combining all pdfs with Adobe professional software. Rearrange the front, editorial board, index and article pages in the right order.
  5. Insert page numbers to the PDF document with Adobe professional software.
  6. Update the word and then the PDF document of the index page with the correct page numbers.
  7. Insert the new index PDF at the right place with Adobe pro software and delete the previous index page
  8. Save document and upload with filezilla

Displaying the PDF of the full booklet  on the homepage

  1. Upload the full PDF to
  2. Get embed link
  3. Get full link
  4. Create PDF holding page by pasting embed code (needs full HTML or PHP code enabled) and pasting the full link at the right place
  5. Tick publish document

Create current issue page

  1. Open the page in an incognito window and copy the contents
  2. Create content – article with no comments
  3. Select ‘ issue index’ in contents
  4. Select ‘ no’ in upcoming article
  5. Select ‘ miscellaneous’ in subject
  6. Body – change input format the full html – paste and edit the contents of the copied page and save

Remove upcoming article tag

  1. Go to
  2. Under action to take:  select 'replace terms within same vocabulary '
  3. Under vocabularies select 'no' under upcoming articles dropdown list
  4. Select individual articles by clicking on the selection boxes or select all by clicking the box above the list of articles
  5. Click 'modify node taxonomy terms'
  6. Confirm that the modified articles have disappeared from the 'upcoming articles' menu

