Nasseer A Masoodi

Personal Information
First Name: 
Current Post: 
Medical Director Health Services
Organisation / Institute: 
ACV Inc, Dowling Park
Brief Introduction

Nasseer A Masoodi is the Medical Director for health services at Advent Christian village Inc., Dowling Park-FL, the oldest retirement community in USA established in 1913. He is also the medical director for Copeland Medical Center, a rural health center. He is assistant professor clinical sciences at Florida State University College of Medicine, Tallahassee-FL besides courtesy assistant professor Geriatrics, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville-FL. He has published many articles in peer reviewed journals. Dr Masoodi has been recognized many times by residents, students and colleagues and is a recepient of Austin Flint House Staff Award for outstanding performance during medical residencyvbesides Arnold P. Gold Foundation Award for “Humanism and Excellence in Teaching” University at Buffalo, School of Medicine, NY. Dr Masoodi attended medical school at Government Medical College Srinagar at University of Kashmir (India). He practiced medicine in Kashmir and Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) before coming to USA. He is Cabinet member of Advent Christian Village Inc Dowling Park and associate editor of British Journal of Medical Practitioners. He is board certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Hospice and Palliative Care. He is a Certified Medical Director by American Medical Directors Association, a Certified Physician Executive by American College of Physician Executives and a Certified Medical Review Officer (MRO). He is currently pursuing his MBA through ACPE at Isenberg School of Management, University of Massacheussets (Amherst) program.

Conflict of Interests